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To use the Masterpass service, you need:

  1. Become a partner of the Masterpass program. Sign up either directly or with assistance of your account manager.

  2. Ask your account manager to configure Masterpass parameters for your shop.

  3. Implement additional integration methods:

  4. Add the Masterpass logo on all pages. Ask your account manager for logo placement requirements.

Open a user session in Masterpass

The method is used to authorize a user in Masterpass in the following cases:

  1. First and subsequent logins to the application;
  2. The user session expired. Masterpass returns the error with Error_Code = 8 or Error_Code = 16. It is necessary to make a renewed request to open a user session and get a list of cards.

Send a POST request to with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
phone * required
string The customer's phone number.
fingerprint * required
string A Base64-encoded set of unique parameters for the customer device. The guide for creating a parameter value is published in the Masterpass account (ask your account manager).
phone_check_date string A field for the last successful date of phone verification on the merchant side in the Date(1612341218000) (epoch time in milliseconds) format.
channel integer 0 = Recurring
1 = WEB
2 = APP iOS
3 = APP Android
4 = TVE
5 = SmartTV
6 = Smart devices
7 = USSD
8 = IVR
9 = Offline
10 = Other.
test boolean If the operation is a test one, set to true. Otherwise, false.
Example of the request
  "phone": "77707811122",
  "phone_check_date": "Date(1612341218000)",
  "channel": 2,
  "test": true

When the request is processed, the system sends a response specifying the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
status string A response status. Returned in case of an error.
error_code integer An error code. Returned in case of an error.
error string An error message. Returned in case of an error.
is_otp_required boolean If true, OTP check is required. Otherwise, false.
session string A user session ID.
user_status integer A user status in Masterpass. If the status is not 1, a request to get a card list is not required.
Example of the successful response
  "session": "c96fe83d-366c-420c-9038-da0fae844f0c",
  "is_otp_required": false,
  "user_status": 1
Error codes

If errors occur, use the following error_code description to detect the reason.

Error code Description Comment
0 None Successful completion.
1 The service is not available for this card/user The current user is blacklisted.
2 Api not allowed Method call is prohibited after exceeding the allowed number of requests.
8 No user was found by the passed session А non-existing session was transferred, or the session has expired. Session should be re-opened.
10 Wrong phone format Invalid phone number format.
11 Empty DeviceId The required parameter DeviceId is not transferred to Fingerprint, the field is empty or contains spaces.
13 Internal error while encrypting the response Internal system error, additional check with Masterpass command required.
15 Merchant with such a name and password not found The mandatory Merchant field was not transferred in the request or the Merchant with that name was not found.
19 The service is not available for this card/user or wrong params The user is blacklisted. The maximum number of attempts to send OTP has been exceeded. The limitation is considered simultaneously for all Merchants. The request was sent with an incorrect or incomplete set of parameters.
20 Internal error Internal system error, additional check with Masterpass command required.
23 RequestTokenNotFound The transferred RequestToken value does not exist.
35 Wrong params Mandatory parameters are not transferred to Fingerprint.
44 API_NOT_ALLOWED Certificate not found or certificate expired or signing error.

Add a new card to Masterpass

Before you start

Open a user session before you save a new card in Masterpass.


To save a new card, use payment or authorization requests with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
additional_data object Section of additional payment details.
contract * обязательный
array Array with the following parameter:

recurring - Demo PSP returns a card token to use it in subsequent charges without to enter a card data again. Customer agrees to be charged regularly, but initially the customer must make a payment with full card data including CVC/CVV code and pass 3-D Secure verification.
masterpass object Section of the Masterpass service parameters.
params object Section of the Masterpass parameters.
session * required
string User session ID.
Example of the request for the payment transaction
  "request": {
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "USD",
    "description": "www",
    "tracking_id": "save_card_test_masterpass_success_2",
    "billing_address": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "country": "US",
      "city": "Denver",
      "state": "CO",
      "zip": "96002",
      "address": "1st Street"
    "credit_card": {
      "number": "4200000000000000",
      "verification_value": "123",
      "holder": "John Doe",
      "exp_month": "05",
      "exp_year": "2027"
    "additional_data": {
      "contract": [
      "masterpass": {
        "params": {
          "session": "a6fd8624-8060-46b3-b343-7a93126fd57f"
    "customer": {
      "ip": "",
      "email": "",
      "birth_date": "1998-01-31"
    "test": true

If the shop participates in the Masterpass program, after the payment is processed, Demo PSP makes a request to save the card in Masterpass. The repose contains the Masterpass token and the result of saving the card in Masterpass.


If a payment is made only to save a card, after you receive a result of saving the card, make a refund.

Example of the response for the payment transaction in case of successful card saving
  "transaction": {
    "uid": "10134-ca74085dff",
    "status": "successful",
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "USD",
    "description": "www",
    "type": "payment",
    "payment_method_type": "credit_card",
    "tracking_id": null,
    "message": "Successfully processed",
    "test": true,
    "created_at": "2021-03-15T07:47:27.904Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-15T07:47:31.095Z",
    "paid_at": "2021-03-15T07:47:31.055Z",
    "expired_at": null,
    "closed_at": null,
    "settled_at": null,
    "manually_corrected_at": null,
    "language": "en",
    "redirect_url": "",
    "credit_card": {
      "holder": "John Doe",
      "stamp": "b3839d334ba40e89168d60cd9f9d1390aee3fe67dd4d5c41adbf3998043eaef8",
      "brand": "visa",
      "last_4": "0000",
      "first_1": "4",
      "bin": "420000",
      "issuer_country": null,
      "issuer_name": null,
      "product": null,
      "exp_month": 5,
      "exp_year": 2027,
      "token_provider": null,
      "token": "495f97d6-862a-4445-b537-06d4b3fa392f"
    "receipt_url": "",
    "id": "10134-ca74085dff",
    "additional_data": {
      "contract": [
      "masterpass": {
        "params": {
          "session": "35b55f8e-36d4-467a-b41f-28468a031898"
        "result": {
          "status": "successful",
          "message": "Postback successfully finished.",
          "token": "31b1e418-6a56-490d-bb5b-15f11a2040d8"
    "payment": {
      "auth_code": "654321",
      "bank_code": "05",
      "rrn": "999",
      "ref_id": "777888",
      "message": "Payment was approved",
      "amount": 100,
      "currency": "USD",
      "billing_descriptor": "test descriptor",
      "gateway_id": 288,
      "status": "successful"
    "avs_cvc_verification": {
      "avs_verification": {
        "result_code": "1"
      "cvc_verification": {
        "result_code": "1"
    "customer": {
      "ip": "",
      "email": "",
      "device_id": null,
      "birth_date": "1998-01-31"
    "billing_address": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "address": "1st Street",
      "country": "US",
      "city": "Denver",
      "zip": "96002",
      "state": "CO",
      "phone": null
Error codes

If errors occur, use the following error_code description to detect the reason.

Error code Description Comment
0 Successful completion
1 The service is not available for this card/user The current card is blacklisted. It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card
2 Card is not activated Card details in this status cannot be received via GetCard method. It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card
3 The card was not found by the token It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card
5 Customer with this phone number not found -
12 This transaction is marked as fraud -
15 Merchant with such a name and password not found The required Merchant field was not transferred in the request, or the Merchant with the same name was not found
16 Session for the card not found, and it is not recurrent A non-existing session was transferred, or the session has expired
17 Amount <= 0 The value of the Amount parameter should be strictly greater than 0
19 Wrong params The required parameter Amount is not transferred in the request, empty field or contains something other than numbers.
44 API_NOT_ALLOWED Certificate not found or certificate expired or signing error
Example of the response with an error occurred while a card is being saved in Masterpass
  "transaction": {
    "uid": "9706-fde9808c80",
    "status": "successful",
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "USD",
    "description": "www",
    "type": "payment",
    "payment_method_type": "credit_card",
    "tracking_id": "save_card_test_masterpass_success_2",
    "message": "Successfully processed",
    "test": true,
    "created_at": "2021-02-12T12:13:43.314Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-02-12T12:13:49.492Z",
    "paid_at": "2021-02-12T12:13:49.439Z",
    "expired_at": null,
    "closed_at": null,
    "settled_at": null,
    "manually_corrected_at": null,
    "language": "en",
    "redirect_url": "",
    "credit_card": {
      "holder": "John Doe",
      "stamp": "b3839d334ba40e89168d60cd9f9d1390aee3fe67dd4d5c41adbf3998043eaef8",
      "brand": "visa",
      "last_4": "0000",
      "first_1": "4",
      "bin": "420000",
      "issuer_country": null,
      "issuer_name": null,
      "product": null,
      "exp_month": 5,
      "exp_year": 2027,
      "token_provider": null,
      "token": "330e7e46-2958-41f1-8272-42ea3e05ec4a"
    "receipt_url": "",
    "id": "9706-fde9808c80",
    "additional_data": {
      "contract": [
      "masterpass": {
        "params": {
          "session": "session"
        "result": {
          "status": "failed",
          "message": "SaveCard failed.",
          "error": "Masterpass error response",
          "error_message": null,
          "error_code": 8
    "payment": {
      "auth_code": "654321",
      "bank_code": "05",
      "rrn": "999",
      "ref_id": "777888",
      "message": "Payment was approved",
      "amount": 100,
      "currency": "USD",
      "billing_descriptor": "test descriptor",
      "gateway_id": 288,
      "status": "successful"
    "avs_cvc_verification": {
      "avs_verification": {
        "result_code": "1"
      "cvc_verification": {
        "result_code": "1"
    "customer": {
      "ip": "",
      "email": "",
      "device_id": null,
      "birth_date": "1998-01-31"
    "billing_address": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "address": "1st Street",
      "country": "US",
      "city": "Denver",
      "zip": "96002",
      "state": "CO",
      "phone": null

Get cards from Masterpass

Before you start

Open a user session before getting a list of cards from Masterpass.


Demo PSP removes from the list of cards brands that Demo PSP will not be able to process (the shop's gateway may not support the user's card brand, that he previously linked to Masterpass).


Send a POST request to with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
session * required
string A user session ID.
test boolean If the operation will be a test one, set to true. Otherwise, false.
Example of the request
    "session": "c96fe83d-366c-420c-9038-da0fae844f0c",
    "test": true

Before sending the response, Demo PSP removes:

  1. Expired cards (CardStatus=5);
  2. Those cards that can not be used for a transaction.

In case of successfully processed request the response contains the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
card_list array A card list with card parameters.
card_holder * required
string A cardholder name. Use only Latin letters, digits, gaps, and a dash.
token * required
string A Masterpass card token.
date * required
string A date on which the card was added. .
expiry_date * required
string An expiration date. .
pan_mask * required
string The first 6 and last 4 digits of the card.
card_status * required
integer A card status. Possible values:
0 - Inactive. The card is not active.
1 - Active. The card is active.
2 - CVC2Always. For this CardStatus, you need to check CVC2.
Active Suspended card
5 - Expired. The card was expired.
is_recurring * required
boolean If the payment is recurring, set to true. Otherwise, false.
card_name * required
string A card name. Use only Russian/Latin letters, gaps, a dash, *_-+, currency symbols.
comment1 string Comment field 1.
comment2 string Comment field 2.
comment3 string Comment field 3.
Example of the response if the user has cards in Masterpass
  "card_list": [
      "card_holder": "Masterpass",
      "token": "8358d402-1111-1111-1111-9dc9811debe",
      "expiry_date": "02/21",
      "pan_mask": "511111xxxxxx8278",
      "card_status": 2,
      "is_recurring": false,
      "card_name": "My card"
Example of the response if the user does not have cards in Masterpass
  "card_list": []

In case of an error the response contains the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
status * required
string A response status.
error_code * required
integer An error code.
error * required
string An error message.
Error codes

If errors occur, use the following error_code description to detect the reason.

Error code Description Comment
0 None Successful completion.
2 Api not allowed Method call is prohibited after exceeding the allowed number of requests.
8 No user was found by the passed session А non-existing session was transferred or the session has expired. Session should be re-opened.
35 Wrong params The request was sent with an incorrect or incomplete set of parameters.
Example of the response while an error occurred
  "status": "failed",
  "error": "Masterpass error response",
  "error_code": 8

Get a card from Masterpass

Before you start

Before you get a new card from Masterpass, get a list of cards.

The method is used for every transaction to get up-to-date information about the card.

For recurring payments by token, the method is called automatically by Demo PSP.


Send a POST request to with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
token * required
string A Masterpass token (from a request of getting the list of cards)
amount * required
integer A transaction amount in minimal currency units, for example $32.45 must be sent as 3245
session * conditionally required
string A user session ID. Required for non-recurrent card payments.
currency * required
string A currency in ISO-4217 format, for example USD.
test boolean If the operation is a test one, set to true. Otherwise, false.
Example of the request
  "session": "a6fd8624-8060-46b3-b343-7a93126fd57f",
  "token": "2887f05c-ff7e-4e67-90e6-7d5e75abc036",
  "amount": 10000,
  "currency ": "USD",
  "test": true

In case of an error the response contains the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
credit_card object Card data
stamp * required
string Card hash.
brand * required
string Card brand name.
last_4 * required
integer Last 4 digits of the card number.
first_1 * required
integer First digit of the card number.
bin * required
integer BIN card number.
issuer_country * required
string Card issuer country.
issuer_name * required
string Card issuer name.
product * required
string Card brand name.
exp_month * required
integer Expiration Month. 2 digits.
exp_year * required
integer Expiration Year. Last 2 digits.
token_provider * required
string The token provider.

Possible values or null.
token * required
string Card token in the Demo PSP system.
holder * required
string CardHolder name: letters should be only latin, digits, gaps, dash.
recommendation * required
integer Checks recommended by Masterpass (not obligatory). Possible values:
0 - None;
1 - CVC2 check;
2 - 3DS check;
3 - 3DS and CVC2 or CVC2 check;
4 - 3DS and CVC2 check.
required * required
integer Checks required by Masterpass (mandatory actions). Possible values:
0 - None;
1 - CVC2 check;
2 - 3DS check;
3 - 3DS and CVC2 or CVC2 check;
4 - 3DS and CVC2 check.
Example of the successful response
  "credit_card": {
    "holder": "JOHN DOE",
    "stamp": "80b274398e413d7bddd4d7df8c9b8aa1f9b0a9233bfb7b9cb6de16d06ea31144",
    "brand": "visa",
    "last_4": "0019",
    "first_1": "4",
    "bin": "400555",
    "issuer_country": null,
    "issuer_name": null,
    "product": null,
    "exp_month": 10,
    "exp_year": 2027,
    "token_provider": null,
    "token": "4d9e681b-498f-4f68-a4cd-89018a381c70"
  "recommendation": 0,
  "required": 0

In case of an error the response contains the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
status * required
string A response status.
error_code * required
integer An error code.
error * required
string An error message.
Error codes

If errors occur, use the following error_code description to detect the reason.

Error code Description Comment
0 Successful completion.
1 The service is not available for this card/user. The current user is blacklisted. It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card
2 Card is not activated. Card details in this status cannot be received via the GetCard method. It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card.
3 The card was not found by the token. It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card.
5 Customer with this phone number not found. -
12 This transaction is marked as fraud. -
15 Merchant with such a name and password not found. The required Merchant field was not transferred in the request, or the Merchant with the same name was not found.
16 Session for the card not found, and it is not recurrent. A non-existing session was transferred, or the session has expired.
17 Amount <= 0 The value of the Amount parameter should be strictly greater than 0
19 Wrong params. The required parameter Amount is not transferred in the request, empty field or contains something other than numbers.
44 API_NOT_ALLOWED Certificate not found or certificate expired or signing error.
Example of the error response
  "error":"Masterpass error response",

Get a card from Masterpass using a Demo PSP token

Before you start

Before you get card data from Masterpass using a Demo PSP token, open a user session.

The method is used for every transaction initiated by a customer to get up-to-date information about the card tokenized by Demo PSP.

For recurring payments by token, the method is called automatically by Demo PSP.


Send a POST request to with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
session * conditionally required
string User session ID. Required for non-recurrent card payments.
credit_card_token * required
string Demo PSP token (from a response to a card tokenization request).
amount * required
integer A transaction amount in minimal currency units, for example $32.45 must be sent as 3245.
currency * required
string Currency in ISO-4217 format, for example USD.
test boolean If the operation is a test one, set to true. Otherwise, false.
Example of the request
  "session": "5cb1ed91-8755-4a9c-89a0-c69899b36f6f",
  "credit_card_token": "639c0b58-118e-44f6-ad8c-623592710ba",
  "amount": 100,
  "currency": "USD",
  "test": true
Parameter Type Description
credit_card object Card data.
stamp * required
string Card hash.
brand * required
string Card brand name.
last_4 * required
integer The last 4 digits of the card number.
first_1 * required
integer The first digit of the card number.
bin * required
integer A BIN card number.
issuer_country * required
string A card issuer country.
issuer_name * required
string A card issuer name.
product * required
string A card brand name.
exp_month * required
integer A card expiration month. 2 digits.
exp_year * required
integer A card expiration year. Last 2 digits.
token_provider * required
string A token provider.
token * required
string A card token in the Demo PSP system.
holder * required
string A cardholder name. Use only Latin letters, digits, gaps, a dash.
recommendation * required
integer Checks recommended by Masterpass (not obligatory). Possible values:
0 - None
1 - CVC2 check
2 - 3DS check
3 - 3DS and CVC2 or CVC2 check
4 - 3DS and CVC2 check.
required * required
integer Checks required by Masterpass (mandatory actions). Possible values:
0 - None;
1 - CVC2 check;
2 - 3DS check;
3 - 3DS and CVC2 or CVC2 check;
4 - 3DS and CVC2 check.
Example of the successful response
  "credit_card": {
    "holder": "John Doe",
    "stamp": "b3839d334ba40e89168d60cd9f9d1390aee3fe67dd4d5c41adbf3998043eaef8",
    "brand": "visa",
    "last_4": "0000",
    "first_1": "4",
    "bin": "420000",
    "issuer_country": null,
    "issuer_name": null,
    "product": null,
    "exp_month": 5,
    "exp_year": 2027,
    "token_provider": null,
    "token": "639c0b58-118e-44f6-ad8c-623592710ba5"
  "recommendation": 0,
  "required": 0
Example of the error response
  "status": "failed",
  "error": "Params validation error",
  "message": "No credit card found"

Make a payment by a card linked to Masterpass

Before you start

To make a payment with a card linked to Masterpass, receive card data from Masterpass and make a payment with the received Demo PSP token.

If the payment is recurring, it is not necessary to open a user session.

A Masterpass section should be added to the current payment request and the session value should be specified.


Send a payment request with the received Demo PSP token. Add the parameters below to the request.additional_data object of the payment request.

Parameter Type Description
additional_data object Section of additional payment details.
masterpass object A Masterpass section.
params * required
object A section of Masterpass parameters.
session * required
string A Masterpass user session ID.
Example of the request
  "request": {
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "USD",
    "description": "www",
    "tracking_id": "masterpass_test_by_token",
    "billing_address": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "country": "US",
      "city": "Denver",
      "state": "CO",
      "zip": "96002",
      "address": "1st Street"
    "credit_card": {
      "token": "03d65020-07c4-4987-b96a-72ec9727ac1f",
      "verification_value": 123
    "additional_data": {
      "masterpass": {
        "params": {
          "session": "037ead94-b11c-4dff-ad73-9e8a414ceb80"
    "customer": {
      "ip": "",
      "email": "",
      "birth_date": "1998-01-31"
    "test": true
Example of the response
  "transaction": {
    "uid": "9707-af6046bd28",
    "status": "failed",
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "USD",
    "description": "www",
    "type": "payment",
    "payment_method_type": "credit_card",
    "tracking_id": "masterpass_test_by_token",
    "message": "Payment was declined",
    "test": true,
    "created_at": "2021-02-12T12:19:15.314Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-02-12T12:19:20.541Z",
    "paid_at": "2021-02-12T12:19:20.520Z",
    "expired_at": null,
    "closed_at": null,
    "settled_at": null,
    "manually_corrected_at": null,
    "language": "en",
    "redirect_url": "",
    "credit_card": {
      "holder": "JOHN DOE",
      "stamp": "80b274398e413d7bddd4d7df8c9b8aa1f9b0a9233bfb7b9cb6de16d06ea31144",
      "brand": "visa",
      "last_4": "0019",
      "first_1": "4",
      "bin": "400555",
      "issuer_country": null,
      "issuer_name": null,
      "product": null,
      "exp_month": 10,
      "exp_year": 2027,
      "token_provider": null,
      "token": "03d65020-07c4-4987-b96a-72ec9727ac1f"
    "receipt_url": "",
    "id": "9707-af6046bd28",
    "additional_data": {
      "masterpass": {
        "params": {
          "session": "037ead94-b11c-4dff-ad73-9e8a414ceb80"
        "result": {
          "status": "successful",
          "message": "Postback successfully finished."
    "payment": {
      "auth_code": "654321",
      "bank_code": "10",
      "rrn": "999",
      "ref_id": "777888",
      "message": "Payment was declined",
      "amount": 100,
      "currency": "USD",
      "billing_descriptor": "test descriptor",
      "gateway_id": 288,
      "status": "failed"
    "avs_cvc_verification": {
      "avs_verification": {
        "result_code": null
      "cvc_verification": {
        "result_code": null
    "customer": {
      "ip": "",
      "email": "",
      "device_id": null,
      "birth_date": "1998-01-31"
    "billing_address": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "address": "1st Street",
      "country": "US",
      "city": "Denver",
      "zip": "96002",
      "state": "CO",
      "phone": null
Error codes

If errors occur, use the following error_code description to detect the reason.

Error code Description Comment
0 Successful completion
1 The service is not available for this card/user The current card is blacklisted. It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card.
2 Card is not activated Card details in this status cannot be received via GetCard method. It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card.
3 The card was not found by the token It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling the GetCards method or let the user save a new card.
5 Customer with this phone number not found -
12 This transaction is marked as fraud -
15 Merchant with such a name and password not found The required Merchant field was not transferred in the request, or the Merchant with the same name was not found
16 Session for the card not found and it is not recurrent A non-existing session was transferred or the session has expired
17 Amount <= 0 The value of the Amount parameter should be strictly greater than 0
19 Wrong params The required parameter Amount is not transferred in the request, empty field or contains something other than numbers.
44 API_NOT_ALLOWED Certificate not found or certificate expired or signing error.

Remove a card from Masterpass

Before you start

Before you remove a card from Masterpass, get a list of cards from Masterpass.


Send a POST request to with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
token * required
string A Masterpass card token.
session * required
string A Masterpass user session ID.
test boolean If the operation is considered as a test one, set to true. Otherwise, false.
Example of the request
      "session": "d1d88fb8-1bf1-4c82-9c8b-00c9d887d821",
      "token": "07be2846-aa35-480c-b1f8-a01d8674fadb",
      "test": true
Parameter Type Description
status * required
string Result of card removal in Masterpass. Possible values: successful,failed.
error_code integer Error code.
error string Error message.
Error codes

If errors occur, use the following error_code description to detect the reason.

Error code Description Comment
0 Successful completion
1 Access denied Merchant does not have the right to call this method
5 Card not found Card with a token was not found. For example, it has been removed from the Masterpass. It is recommended to update the list of cards by calling GetCards methods or let the user save a new card.
8 No user was found by the passed session А non-existing session was transferred or the session has expired. Session should be re-opened.
20 Internal error Internal system error, additional check with Masterpass command required
30 Invalid Token card for this request Mandatory parameter Token is not transferred, empty field or gaps is transferred
35 Wrong params The request was sent with an incorrect or incomplete set of parameters.
Example of the successful response
  "status": "successful"
Example of the error response
  "status": "failed",
  "error": "Masterpass error response",
  "error_code": 8